Portfolio - Schools

Schools and Educational Institutions

One of the main objective of our company has always been on education & for hobby market. For the past 16 years since our establishment, we have set up hydroponics, aquaponics and aquaculture systems for numerous schools & hobbyist. We provide customised solutions and tailored enrichment lessons to teachers and students as well.


HYDROPONICS ( Indoor & outdoor systems) for homes, schools & rooftops
Watercircle Stand-Alone-NFT & Vertical Grow Systems 
Stand-alone-NFT systems are easy to maintain and operate. It is also affordably priced especially for schools who may have a budget constrain or who wants a smaller system to start with before progressing into something bigger. We have systems for growing vegetable, herbs, flowers and even vine crops like tomatoes. The systems come in two versions either a normal AC run system or a solar powered system.
Besides NFT (Nutrient Film Technique), we have also set up other hydroponics techniques for schools such as FFT (Flood & Flow Technique), Drip Irrigation and Aeroponics.
We have setup Indoor Hydroponics with artificial lighting. This system is placed in a school's laboratory. 
HYDROPONICS ( Indoor multilayered systems) for homes, schools & commercial
Butterhead lettuce & tomato plants growing on NFT hydroponics & aquaponics systems.   Chinese greens like pak choy grown in our solar powered Flood & flow hydroponics system
We are the pioneer in aquaponics in Singapore having collaborated with the Agri-Food and Veterinary Authority of Singapore.
Aquaponics is a combination of hydroponics and rearing of fresh water fish. The waste from the fish is channelled to the crops. A natural eco-system. For food production, fresh water fish like tilapia can be raised and you'll have vegetables as well. Aquaponics systems are usually tailored to the schools's needs. Normal AC run systems are also available. 
Besides stand-alone-systems, we also built walk-in greenhouses or shadehouses. These are used to house the hydroponics and aquaponics systems. Some schools have a hydroponics and an aquaponics system in the same shadehouse so as to make comparison of vegetable or crops grown using hydroponics nutrient and recycled fish wastes. 
We do not just set up systems for schools but each system we set up, we would usually provide some technical know-how for teachers and students incharge of the systems.
To support the educational aspects, we conduct related enrichment programmes and workshops . This will give students a sound knowledge of hydroponics, aquaponics and aquaculture. Besides enrichment programmes on the the concepts of these systems, the students will also learn about plant life, nature and the ecosystems. They will also learn about renewable energy, harnessing the power of the sun.
Other than the science aspects, there are programmes to teach students the benefits of plants such as herbs. They can learn about herbs and how they can be used to in our daily life besides being medicinal. They can for example learn how to make beneficial herb soap in our fun and safe soapmaking workshops.


1. Huamin Primary School(Solar Powered Hydroponic & Aquaponics system)
2. Kranji Primary(Hydroponics system)
3. Jurong Primary(Hydroponics system)
4. Commonwealth Secondary School
(Hydroponics & Aquaponics system)-
•First Prize, 1999 Biotec Fair Competition,Organised by Singapore Science Centre
5. Deyi Secondary(Aquaponics system)
•First Prize, North Cluster 1 Science fair
•Gold medal, 2000 APEC Education Exhibition
6. Fajar Secondary(Aquaponics system)
7. Jin Tai Secondary•Aquaponics system & solar power system
•Solar power irrigation system for eco garden
•Gold Medal, MOE Innergy Award Winner 2001
8. Nan Hua Secondary(Aquaponics system)
9. YuHua Secondary School(Hydroponics & solar power system)
10. Raffles Junior College(Hydroponics & Aquaponics system)
11. Primary Production Dept,Orchid & Ornamental plants section(Hydroponics system)
12. Primary Production Dept,Food vegetable crop section(Hydroponics system)
13. Ayer Rajah Zone 2 RC(Hydroponics system)
14 Pek Kio CC(Hydroponics system)
15. Ubin Lagoon Resort,Pulau Ubin
16. Concord Primary-•Solar power Aquaponics & Hydroponics system
•Solar powered irrigarion system for eco garden
•Aeroponics system
17. Anglo-Chinese Sec School(Solar power Hydroponics system)
18. Bukit Panjang Govt High(Solar power & Aquaponics system)
19. Pexin Primary (Solar power & Aquaponics system)
20. Guang Yang Pri(Solar powered Hydroponics system)
21. Telok Kurau Primary(Aquaponics system)
22. Bedok View Secondary(Hydroponics system)
23. Catholic high Primary Schoo
l(Solar powered Hydroponics system)
24. Clementi Town Seconday School(Solar powered Hydroponics system)
25. Anderson Primary School(Solar power Aquaponics system & Rainforest Eco system)
26. Chung Cheng High School-Main(Solar power Aquaponics system & Rainforest Eco system)
27. Canberra Secondary SchoolSolar power Aquaponics system & Rainforest Eco system)
28. Woodlands Ring Road Secondary School Solar power aquaponics system)
29. Bendemeer Secondary(rooftop Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
30. SIngapore Chinese Girl's School(Mini Rainforest & Solar Powered Aquaponics system)
31. Qifa Primary(Solar powered Hydroponics system)
32. West Spring Secondary(Solar Powered Aquaponics system)
33. Yuneng Primary School(Hydroponics system)
34. Kuo Chuan Presbyterian School-primary(solar powered hydroponics system)
35. De La Salle School(Solar Powered Aquaponics system)
36. Balestier Hill Primary School(Solar Powered hydroponic system & Aquaponics system
37. Seng Kang Primary(Mini Rainforest eco-system, herb garden & pond)
38. St Andrews school(Hydroponics system)
40.Orchid Park Secondary School(Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
41. Balestier Hill Secondary (Marine Aquaponics)
42. Xishan Primary(Aquaponics, Solar Powered hydroponics & Mangrove system)
43. Compassvale Primary School(Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
44. Chestnut Drive Secondary School(Solar Powered Aquaponics system)
45.Seng Kang Secondary School(Aquaponics & Integrated NEWATERfiltration system)
46. Assumption English(Indoor Artificial Lighting W/Hydroponics system
47.Christ Church Secondary School(Indoor Artificial Lighting W/Hydroponics system
48. Admiralty Primary School(Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
49. Tanglin Trust International School-Secondary(Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
50. Geylang Methodist Secondary School(hydroponics system)
51. Admiralty Primary School(Solar Powered Hydroponics system)
52. Queenstown Primary School(Mangrove & Marine Reef Education systyem)
53. SouthView Primary School(Solar Power hydroponics system)
54. Institute of Mental Health(hydroponics system)
55. North Spring Primary school(Aquaponics system)
56.Damai Primary School(Solar Power hydroponics system)
57. Loyang Primary School(Solar Power hydroponics system)
58. ZhongHua Secondary School(Aquaponics & Solar power hydroponics system)
59. Kakit Bukit Prison School( Solar power hydroponics system)
60. International School of Singapore(Hydroponics system)
61. Pei Hwa Presbysterian Primary school(Hydroponics system)
62. CHIJ-Our Lady of Good Counsel(Hydroponics system)
63. Delta Special School(Hydroponics system)
64. Red Swastika School(Solar Power Aquaponics system)
65. Northland Secondary school(Solar Power Hydroponics system)
66. North Vista Secondary Schhol(Aquaponics & Solar Power Hydroponic system)
67. ZhengHua Secondary School(Hydroponics system)
68. Bishan Park Secondary School(Solar Power orchid & herb garden, Aquaponics system & Newater filtration)
69. Fengshan Primary School(hydroponics system)
70.Pioneer Secondary School(Solar Power Hydroponics system)
71. Fuhua Primary School(Solar power aquaponics system)
72. Fuhua Secondary School(Solar Power Hydroponics system)
73. Yishun Secondary School(Solar Power Hydroponics system)
74. Marymount Convent School(hydroponics system)
75. Yangzheng Primary School(solar power roof garden)
76. Chong Bong Secondary School(solar power vertical garden)
77. Boon Lay Garden Primary School(Solar Power Hydroponics system)
78. CHIJ-Lady of Our Navtiity (roof garden)
79. Siling Primary School ((Solar Power Hydroponics system)
80. Fuhua Primary School((Solar Power Aquaponics system)
81. Fuhua Secondary Scho((Solar Power Hydroponics system)
82. Chung Cheng School (yishun) Green roof & solar powered irrigation system
83. NIE Roof ( irrigation system)
84. Woodlands Secondary school (Solar Power hydroponics system)
85. Eastview secondary school (Solar Power hydroponics system)
86. Bathesda chapel kindergaten ( rooftop solar power hydroponics system
87. Teck Whye Secondary school ( vertical farm)
88. Unity Primary School ( solar power aquaponics system)
89. CHIJ-St Nicolas (roof top solar powere hydroponics & aquaponics & drip irrigation system)
90. Changkat Primary Schol ( hydroponics system)
91. Kong hwa School (solar hydroponics system)
92. Nuturestar Preschool (solar hydroponics system)
93. Ahmad Ibrahim Primary School ( rain water harvester)
94. Pek Kio CC (vertical hydroponics system)
95. Greenpac Pte Ltd ( Solar Hydroponics & Vertical hydroponics system)
96. Phytotech Pte Ltd ( Solar Hydroponics system)
97. Taman Jurong Zone D (Solar Hydroponics system)
98. Taman Jurong Zone E (Solar Hydroponics system)
99. Unity Secondary (Solar Vertical hydropnics system)
100. Kinderland Preschool (solar Hydroponics system)
101. Mindchamps@Bedok ( hydroponics system)
102. Bendemeer Primary School (vertical hydroponics system)
103. East Coast Primary School (solar Hydroponics system)
104. Fuchun Primary School (hydroponics & aquaponics system
105. Boon Lay Secondary School (solar Hydroponics & aquaponics system)
106. Jurong Secondary School (solar Hydroponics system)
107. Shangri-La Rasa Sentosa (hydroponics, aquaponics , vertical grow systems)
108. Pingyi Secondary (aquaponics system)
109. Innova Pri (vertical hydroponics system)
110. ECO-CUBE at Coco Palms Condominium ( Indoor vertical hydroponics system)
111. MINDS (Woondlands garden School)
113. United world College (Indoor vertical hydroponics system)
114. Maplesbear (Indoor vertical hydroponics system)
115. St Andrews Ausitic Center (Hydroponics system)
116. HonestBee Pte Ltd (Indoor vertical hydroponics system)
116. Canadian International School (Indoor vertical hydroponics system)
117. Juying Primary School (solar hydroponics sytem)

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